4 Keys to Modern Success in Real Estate

home for sale with sold sticker on sign

This piece is for our fellow real estate professionals! We appreciate the trust you continue to place in the Premier Closing Services team and can’t wait for success to bloom for all of us this season.

Real estate marketing has come a long way from traditional methods of placing “For Sale” signs in front yards and advertising in newspapers. In today’s highly competitive market, all of us must adapt and use all of today’s tools to our advantage when it comes to attracting customers and building our business. But what are some of the best ways to do that? We’re glad you asked!

Having a strong online presence. First and foremost, you must create a professional and user-friendly website. After all, 41% of recent homebuyers said looking at properties online was the first step of their homebuying journey, according to a recent NAR trends report. Your website should be a hub of information for potential buyers with great photos (more on that soon), detailed property descriptions, and interactive tools such as mortgage calculators and online order forms. However, being online is more than just having a great website. Furthermore, using your favorite social media platform to reach a broader audience is also important.

Using high-quality visuals. Photos are still king when it comes to attracting attention to your listings. In fact, great photos were the most useful website feature for nearly 9 out of 10 buyers aged 58 and under. The bottom line is that professional – or at least professional-level – photography makes a significant difference in attracting attention to your listings. When potential buyers view properties online, they should be able to visualize themselves living in the space. One related piece of advice: if you haven’t updated your headshot this decade, it may be time to refresh.

Encouraging reviews and referrals. Positive online reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients can significantly influence potential buyers. Encourage your clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Facebook and Zillow. Showcase these reviews on your website and social media to build trust and credibility. Why did we include referrals in this section? According to that NAR report, referrals remain the primary method most buyers use to find their real estate agent, and 65% of sellers used either their previous agent or someone who was referred to them to list their home.

Connecting with the community and other real estate pros. This one may seem a bit old-school, but it’s not. Networking is fundamental to building your brand and strengthening your position as a local expert. Attend industry events, join professional associations and connect with other professionals in your community. Our team is certainly glad to be part of your circle. Want to network virtually, too? LinkedIn is the perfect arena for that!

Set yourself up for success now and in the long run with these tips, and reach out to us whenever you need our team. We’re here for you anytime!